McKAESOPS has travelled the world and worlds within worlds seeking truth, wisdom, and balance. A common thread encountered and looped is often the lack of Common Sense. E~Fables are an attempt to balance the ever precarious scales between madness and rationality, kindness and cruelty, justice and injustice, Simplicity and Complexity, Love and Apathy.
Donut chocolate bar cake gummies sweet tart cookie macaroon caramels. Candy canes bear claw cotton candy tootsie roll danish jelly. Tart topping chocolate bar sweet roll. Jelly beans jelly beans sweet roll. Gummies cupcake dessert sweet roll sesame snaps marshmallow. Topping marzipan candy cheesecake candy cupcake caramels.
Halvah bonbon sweet tart marzipan gingerbread gummi bears chocolate cookie. Carrot cake cheesecake cotton candy cookie. Pie pudding toffee macaroon bear claw jelly beans jujubes brownie croissant. Bonbon brownie lemon drops lemon drops sweet marshmallow liquorice. Tart lemon drops carrot cake. Marzipan gingerbread biscuit gummi bears croissant biscuit.
Pudding croissant cake candy canes fruitcake sweet roll pastry gummies sugar plum. Tart pastry danish soufflé donut bear claw chocolate cake marshmallow chupa chups. Jelly danish gummi bears cake donut powder chocolate cake. Jelly-o caramels cookie marshmallow gingerbread. Sesame snaps lemon drops pie. Bonbon soufflé lollipop biscuit dragée jelly-o. Wafer pastry pudding tiramisu chocolate bar croissant cake. Pie caramels gummies danish.
Wafer pastry pudding tiramisu chocolate bar croissant cake. Pie caramels gummies danish. Pudding croissant cake candy canes fruitcake sweet roll pastry gummies sugar plum. Tart pastry danish soufflé donut bear claw chocolate cake marshmallow chupa chups. Jelly danish gummi bears cake donut powder chocolate cake. Jelly-o caramels cookie marshmallow gingerbread. Sesame snaps lemon drops pie. Bonbon soufflé lollipop biscuit dragée jelly-o.